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Workflow 2 - Serious Lead Generation.

This workflow is ideal if generating new leads and filling your pipeline is a top priority.

Time: 2 hours

Level of difficulty: Medium

Number of businesses contacted per cycle: 70

Approximate leads: 11-17

Day 1

  1. Set up your search
    1. Following this guide
  2. Send 10 Facebook Messages
    1. Using the templates in this guide
  3. Send 40 Emails
    1. Using the templates in this guide
    ~Wait at least 1 hour~
  4. Send 10 additional Facebook Messages
    ~Wait at least 1 hour~
  5. Send 10 additional Facebook Messages 

If you get any replies, respond immediately (within 5 minutes). Ideally, call them as soon as they respond to you. 

Day 2

  1. Review who has opened your emails- you can use the communication center for this!
    1. For prospects that have opened your email one or no times: Send them an FB message.
    2. For prospects that have opened your email two or more times: Call them.
  2. Review the Facebook messages you have sent. 
    1. For prospects that viewed your message but have not replied: Send them a second Facebook message.
    2. For prospects that have not viewed your message: Call them. 

Day 3

By now, you should have done at least two of the following for every prospect: Email, Phone call, Facebook message. On day 3, reach out to them using whatever method you have not yet used to attempt to make contact. If they are missing either a Facebook page or an email address, call them another time.

This workflow can begin multiple days per week. 

11+ leads per week -- Begin this flow once per week.

20-40 leads per week -- Begin this flow twice per week. For example:

Monday - Start flow A

Tuesday - Day 2 of flow A

Wednesday - Day 3 of flow A and day 1 of flow B

Thursday - Day 2 of flow B

Friday - Day 3 of flow B

35-55 leads per week -- Begin this flow three times per week. For example:

Monday - Start flow A

Tuesday - Day 2 of flow A and day 1 of flow B

Wednesday - Day 3 of flow A and day 2 of flow B and day 1 of flow C (busy day!)

Thursday - Day 3 of flow B and day 2 of flow C

Friday - Day 3 of flow C