Communication Center

Track and view your sent messages right from Resquared!


The Communication Center is a list of businesses that you have contacted. It displays statistics on how many times the recipients have opened your email, as well as other methods of contact that’s been made between you and the business- think of it as your Resquared sent box. You can get to the Communication Center by clicking on the mail icon on the top right side of the screen.

From the communication center you can view, the message sent, the method the message was sent via email, Facebook, Instagram, Phone, mark the lead status, and see the last contacted date for each business. For businesses contacted via email, you can view the number of opens. 

Under contact method you will see the following icon or icons (if you reached out multiple ways you will see multiple icons in this spot) on the right hand side of the screen. 

  • Facebook and Instagram Messenger: you will not see the message as we do not integrate directly with socials
  • Closed envelope: emailed but not opened
  • Open envelope with a number: email was opened a certain amount of times
  • Phone: you contacted via phone- we do not integrate the message

You can also click on the message itself to pull up the businesses info box on the right hand side to view additional business information (including other contact methods) and the contact activity for that business. The activity tab will show you the date you added the business to the list, when you scheduled the email, when you emailed them, the date/time they opened the message (if applicable), and when they replied (if you have the verification feature as mentioned below).

  • Please note: if you have verified your email (following the instructions here) then you will also see an "emails" tab in the information box. This will allow you to see the message you sent as well as any responses from the business in the activity tab. You can also reply directly to that business from here as well. If you do not see this tab, that means you have not verified your email. 

How should I use the Communications Center to my advantage?

1) Organize your leads who have responded to you, actively track that information without having to go back and forth from email to different lists on Resquared, and gain direct access to responding to your leads in-app.

2) Follow up with leads you haven't heard back from more effectively. For example, you can filter your list by prospects who have opened your email up (X) amount of times, then determine who you'd like to try emailing again, sending a Facebook message to, or giving a call. Persistence is key!


The communication center defaults to showing you all outreach for the past 2 months for all lists. To filter by date select the date range dropdown in the top right hand corner of the page. 

You can apply various filters, individually or in combination, to view your specific outreach messages.

  • Search bar: search for a particular business by name
  • Filter drop down: view messages by contact method, number of opens, and their lead stats (if marked)
    • Please note: if you have verified your email (following the instructions here) then you will also see a "business replied" filter where you can filter our businesses that have or have not responded to you. If you do not see this filter, that means you have not verified your email. 
  • Sort by: select how you want to sort the messages (default is by most recent contacted at the top)
  • Filter by list: to view messages within a specific list only


You can use the communication center 2 ways to send follow-up messages:

  1. Click on the business to open the info pop-up box on the right hand side. 
    • From their you can:
      • click on the email address to be taken to the email template page to send an email
      • click on the Facebook or Instagram messenger buttons to be taken to the social media messenger app. These will be automatically marked as contacted if you click on them and we do not log the actual message. Read more about social media outreach with Resquared here. 
      •  view the business phone number and mark it contacted if you called. 
  2. Create a targeted follow-up list
    1. Click here to view more about how to create a follow-up list using the communication center

If you have verified your email you can also reply back to businesses directly from the Communication Center.

    • Click on the business so the info box pops up on the right then click the emails tab
    • Click  “Add Reply” .
    • Write your message.
      • If you find you no longer wish to send the message you can click the discard button in the top right corner of the text box. 
    • After typing the message you can click preview, which will display your message as well as the address of where the email is coming from and the recipient.
    • Once you have confirmed that the email address’, and message are all correct you can send the message by pressing the “Send” button.

⚠️Please note⚠️

 since you have verified your email you will see both sent and received in both the communication center AND in your email inbox

Video Walkthrough