Verifying Your Email

Improve your email deliverability by connecting to Nylas

It's simple, just go to, and click the button that says "Verify Your Email". Nylas will then walk you through signing in and permissioning your email for us to read and write emails on your behalf (we are an extremely security-conscious company, so if you have any questions about how we encrypt or store data, please reach out). Please have your password ready.

Once you've finished verifying your email, you should be taken back to our website, and receive an alert saying that your email has been verified. That's it! Check out the steps below, with screenshots of these steps below or watch the video.

1) To get get started, click on your initial in the top right hand corner and click "Verify Your Email" to get started

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2) Choose your email provider. *Please note: if you have an Outlook email make sure you click on Microsoft Office 365 NOT Microsoft Outlook or Exchange (it is the 2nd option)*

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3) Sign in using your email login information (NOT YOUR RESQUARED LOGIN INFORMATION) and follow the prompts. Your company may have their own two-factor verification process, if so, the verification process will walk you through the exact same flow that you use when you normally sign into your email. For example, if you normally get sent a six digit code to enter, you will get sent a code as you verify your email.

4) Once the verification is complete, you will be taken back to our application at Once here, look out for the confirmation that your email has been successfully verified. If you do not receive this, or get a message saying that there was an issue, reach out to us for help. 

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Please refer to our frequently asked questions below regarding any error messages you might receive during the verification process. 

Questions about Privacy and Security when joining our email system? Read the information here:  

Administrator Permission

You might receive a message that requires additional permissions. If you see that message, you will need your IT or office administrator to approve the connection of our platform to your email. 

App Passwords

You might be asked for an "app password" while verifying your email with Nylas. What is this, and how do I find it?

Question: What is an app password?

Answer: An app password is a type of authentication used by some email services as a security measure, to prevent your regular email password from being used off of their platform. Think of it like a form of two-factor authentication.

Question: How do I find my app password?

Answer: Every email system is a little bit different, but typically follows the steps below (this example uses a Microsoft account).