Nylas Privacy and Security

How Nylas helps keep your data safe

When switching to Nylas, we had a lot of questions about security, as emails are highly sensitive and we want to do everything possible to keep your data safe. What we found is that security is a top priority for Nylas - as an email-centric company that handles sensitive data, this has to be the highest priority for them. And for us, we want to focus on building great prospecting tools for you, while getting the best security possible from the experts.

To start, check out the Nylas Security Whitepaper, https://www.nylas.com/security-white-paper/. This covers everything you might need to know about how Nylas handles data and authentication security with your data. They run extensive security code reviews before any code is pushed to their platform. They comply with the strictest government-created data security standards, such as PCI-DSS, HIPAA, SOC II certification and (of course) GDPR. The only Nylas employees who have data access are those for whom it is an integral part of their job. They will only process end-user data at the instructions of the user themselves, and comply with all requests for data deletion by any user.  Nylas also uses TLS 1.3 to encrypt bidirectional session traffic between the customer app and Nylas. All data is encrypted both during transit and at rest.

At Resquared, we use Nylas'  hosted authentication, meaning you will permission your email through Nylas itself, rather than us, so we never get access or store your sensitive email credentials (more information here: https://developer.nylas.com/docs/the-basics/authentication/hosted-authentication/#when-to-use-hosted-authentication). We only ask for email scopes, though we plan on launching some great features soon to setup meeting, gather insights, and more using.

Learn about Nylas data scopes here: https://developer.nylas.com/docs/the-basics/authentication/authentication-scopes/#nylas-scopes.

If you have any questions about Nylas, data security, and sending emails through Resquared, don't hesitate to reach out!