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Social Media Prospecting

How to utilize Facebook and Instagram Outreach in Resquared


Facebook is the hottest prospecting technique since it offers high reply rates and a fast path to the decision maker.  Businesses want to respond quickly because it affects the algorithm for their public response rate.  

Cold contacting businesses on Instagram can be an effective way to network, promote your products or services, or explore potential business opportunities. However, it's essential to approach this strategy with care and professionalism to increase your chances of success.

Facebook vs. Instagram

Both social media platforms have their own rules for cold outreach. We do not connect or track social media outreach messages as we do with emails. We provide the pathway to more efficiently conduct social media outreach, but we do not log the messages or login information. Both platforms have their own rules for SPAM that must be followed including rules around the type of account you can use, the number of messages you can send, and what you can send. 

Click below to view the rules for Facebook vs. Instagram outreach as well as some templates. 

Facebook Rules and Best Practices

Instagram Rules and Best Practices

How Can Resquared Help? 

To see what businesses have a Facebook or Instagram, you can filter by either or both from a list. Please note: If you select BOTH Facebook Messenger and Instagram Messenger, you will see businesses that have BOTH of those. If you want to see one or the other, only select the social media messenger you want to see. 

To message via Facebook or Instagram, click on the business and the information pop-up box will appear on the right hand side. Then, click on the messenger to link to be taken directly to the DM  messenger page on that social media platform.  Please note: Another tab will open and you will be taken to the messenger page of whatever account you are logged into for that social media platform on your browser. 

From there you can type your message into the message line and send it directly to that business.

Again, we DO NOT log these messages as we do for emails, however once you click on the hyperlink the business will be marked as contacted via that social media channel in Resquared. It will also appear as contacted on the activity report and the communication center. 

Even though we don't log the actual message, you can click on the "activity tab" in the business info modal, and add a note about your message. You can also do this from the communication center as well. 

Video Walkthrough