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Facebook Best Practices

Reaching out to local businesses via Facebook messenger is the best way to follow up on an email or as an initial outreach.

 Facebook has its own set of SPAM rules so be sure to follow this best practices guideline.

  • Facebook will not let you send messages company to company so you will need to use your personal Facebook account for outreach.
  • Only send out 10 messages at a time due to Facebook's relatively strict cold outreach terms. 
    • If you'd like to send more send 10 messages, wait an hour (set a timer if it helps!), then send out 10 more and repeat the process.  Some clients report sending over 60 Facebook messages in a day following this method. 
  • Personalize your message.  Personalization is the key to success.  When you include the business's name, the recipient feels important, like you are only reaching out to them—personalization results in higher response rates. Tailor a template for the specific USE and specific prospect
    • Example: There’s a recently renovated shopping center in Concord looking for a hair salon, and I was reading about Kid Cuts and thought you’d be a good fit!  Are you looking to relocate or expand?
  • Send a short plain-text message. Messages that contain no special formatting, no images, no links, and no attachments are more likely to bypass Facebook spam filters. 
  • Keep your messages short. Not only are long messages less likely to get replies, but they're also more likely to land you in spam. Aim for no more than 2 sentences. 

Facebook templates for following up 

Facebook is a great way to follow up on an initial email.  Here are a few follow-up templates that result in quicker response times.

Example 1:

Hey, I sent you an email the other day about some space that would be ideal for a [use case] like [name of business]. I’d love to get your thoughts! 

Example 2:

Hey, I sent you an email the other day about a space we have at a shopping center in Concord, NH.  Who would be the best person to talk to at [name of business] about relocating or expanding?

Here are a few samples:

Facebook Sceenshot 1

Facebook screenshot 2

Facebook template for initial outreach

When you do not have a business’s email address, Facebook messenger is an incredible tool to help with your initial outreach.

Below is a sample template.

  • Hey,  We have a [#1 nugget of center] shopping center in town. The space is ideal for a [use case] like [name of business].  Do you have any plans to move or open more locations?