Sequences Feature

‘Sequences’ is a new feature within Resquared's platform that allows users to automate sending emails and follow-ups to a list of businesses.

How can I access this new feature?

Click on 'Sequences' in the navigation bar or on 'More details' in the Sequences Panel inside the list view. We will cover the latter later in this document. Sequences is available only for those who have verified their email. If you don't see the icon, please make sure you've verified your email (more instructions on how to do it here).

Sequences Initial Page

Now that you are here, let's go through everything we have and can do:

  1. Here you will see every Sequence you have created so far, including active and finished sequences.
  2. If you have selected a Sequence, you will see every step of it in this tab. You cannot edit it here though. To edit, click on the button (6) in the image above. A Step is composed of:
    • Subject
    • Email body
    • Send after X days - where X is based on the date the last email was sent to the business inside the current Sequence.
  3. In this tab you can:
    • Check every business in the selected sequence.
    • Check the current step and status of every business.
    • Remove businesses from the Sequence.
    • Retry failed businesses - a business can fail to send the email for various reasons.
    • Enroll new businesses in the Sequence.
  4. Click on this button to create a new Sequence. We'll cover how to create a sequence in the next step.
  5. Every user has a limit of 15 Sequences. "But wait, what if I want to keep all of my finished sequences to check later? Will it count towards my limit even though the Sequence is not active?" Yes, because a Sequence is never actually finished. You can always add more businesses or steps to a Sequence, making it active again.
  6. Click here to edit the steps of an existing Sequence. This will take you to the Edit Steps page.
  7. Search for a Sequence.
  8. This icon represents the current state of the Sequence. It can be:
    • In progress - Actively engaging businesses.
    • Idle - Every step has been completed for every business.
    • Draft - When you start a sequence (or save a draft), it will stay saved to be finished and set to active later.
  9. The number of steps in the respective Sequence.
  10. Overall stats of the respective Sequence:
    • Businesses - How many businesses are enrolled.
    • Active - How many businesses still have at least one scheduled email to be sent.
    • Open rate - The open rate for the first step.
    • Replies - How many businesses have replied to a Sequence email.

Important: If a business replies to a Sequence email, it will be marked as Paused and will not receive any further emails from the Sequence.

  1. On this dropdown you can:
  • Rename a Sequence
  • Edit a Sequence - This will take you to the Edit Steps page.
  • Save as Template - This saves the current steps of the sequence to be used as a template for future sequences the user creates.
  • Remove a Sequence - This action is not reversible.

Creating a Sequence

To create a new Sequence, click on 'New sequence +' on the initial page. You will then be taken to the next step.

  1. You can start a Sequence from scratch or select an existing template. Templates can be either:
    • A Default template created by Resquared, which cannot be deleted or edited.
    • A User template, which can be created from the dropdown on the initial Sequences page. Clicking 'Start from scratch' will create a Sequence with only one step and no content.
  2. If you choose to select an existing template, you can pick any template from the list, check the steps, and click 'Select and Continue.'
  3. In this dropdown, you can:
    • Duplicate a template
    • Edit template name
    • Edit template description
    • Remove a template

Important: You cannot edit or remove a default template created by Resquared.

  1. Check the steps of the selected template.
  2. Sequence creation navigation bar offers three options:
    • Sequence start: Select a template or start from scratch
    • Steps creation: Modify and create all steps
    • Add business: Select the businesses you want to enroll (Not available when editing an existing Sequence. To add new businesses to an existing Sequence, go to Initial Sequence page > Businesses > Enroll businesses)
  3. Select and continue to the next step of creating a Sequence (only available when a template is selected). Alternatively, you can click 'Start from scratch.'
  4. Select the current template and go to the Edit Step page to edit it.
  5. Go back to the initial Sequence page.

Steps creation page

Here is where you will handle everything related to steps. Below is a breakdown of every possible option:

  1. Name the Sequence - 'New template' is the default name.
  2. Add a step to the Sequence - You can only add up to 7 steps.
  3. In this dropdown, you can:
    • Duplicate step - Use the same email again.
    • Move down and move up - Change the order in which the emails will be sent.
    • Remove step - You cannot remove the first step because it is mandatory.
  4. This shows how many days after the previous email the current email will be sent.
  5. Email subject.
  6. Email body.
  7. Click here to adopt an existing email template - An email template consists of a Subject and Body.
  8. You can add custom text to the email body or subject. The options are:
    • [business_name] - Replaces with the actual business name.
    • [list_name] - Replaces with the origin list name, meaning the list the business was selected from.
    • [ai_snippet] - An AI Snippet can only be added to the first step of the Sequence.
  9. The AI Email Assistant can help you understand if your current email follows best practices and how it can be improved.
  10. If you don't want to add businesses now, click on Save Draft to finish later. The status of the Sequence will be set to DRAFT.
  11. Go to the next Sequence step - Adding businesses.

Adding Businesses to a Sequence

There are two ways to add businesses to a Sequence:

  1. Use the 'Add Business' tab when creating a Sequence.
  2. Select an existing Sequence > Businesses tab > Enroll Businesses.

Both methods are very similar. The first method is part of the Sequence creation process, while the second can be done after the Sequence is created, even if it's still a draft.

If you are creating through the Sequence creation flow, you'll be on this page. Here's a breakdown of everything you can do here:

  1. Select multiple lists of businesses you want to include in the Sequence.
  2. Search for a list of businesses.
  3. After selecting at least one list, you can choose individual businesses. Every business is included by default unless you click on the 'Unselect all' checkbox.
  4. Filter businesses to display under certain conditions.
  5. Select and deselect individual businesses to include or exclude from the Sequence.
  6. Select and deselect ALL businesses from the Sequence.
  7. Skip the add business step and set the Sequence as DRAFT if you prefer.
  8. Review all businesses and emails before setting the Sequence live.

Setting a Sequence Live

Here you will find the Send All feature, where you can approve or disapprove emails before sending them to the business. This is useful when dealing with AI Snippets because if the user does not like what was generated, they can unapprove the email.

  1. List of all included businesses that have a valid email
  2. Information of the selected business - Here you can choose which email to send if the business has multiple
  3. Subject and body of the first step of the Sequence
  4. Set sequence live - The first email is typically scheduled to be sent 3 to 5 minutes after creation. If the user does not have an adequate daily email limit, it will be rescheduled for the next date when the user has a sufficient daily limit.

The Sequence Panel

If a business is on at least one Sequence, it will have an icon on the Lists tab. By clicking it, the user can check the current status of the Sequence, view upcoming steps, and switch between Sequences if the business is included in more than one.

Clicking on More details will take the user to the Sequences tab.


When using the Sequences feature within Resquared's platform, it is important to note the following:

  1. Daily Email Limit: Emails sent using Sequences will consume your daily email limit as usual. This means that each email sent through a Sequence is counted towards the total number of emails you are allowed to send in a day.
  2. Postponed Emails: If an upcoming step in your Sequence is scheduled to be sent and you do not have sufficient email limit remaining for the day, the email will be postponed. It will be rescheduled to the next available day when you have enough email limit to send it. This ensures that all steps in your Sequence are executed, even if there are delays due to email limit constraints.
  3. AI Snippets: AI Snippets can only be used in the first step of the Sequence. Utilizing AI Snippets will consume your AI credits as usual. Therefore, make sure you have enough AI credits available if you plan to use AI-generated content for your Sequence emails.

By understanding these points, you can better manage your email sending limits and AI credits while using the Sequences feature to automate your email campaigns effectively.