Sending Emails Option 3: Send All

Use this option to send all emails from a list in bulk allowing you to more quickly and efficiently send out emails. .

Click on the "Try Send All Mode" toggle at the top right hand corner of the classic send email sending modal.

The screen will then refresh, with all the same sections displayed, but with a few additional tools.

You can filter the businesses shown by using the dropdown menu located underneath the toggle labeled "Filter Businesses". You're able to filter by emails that they have approved, not approved, scheduled, not scheduled, and by whether or not the business has been previously contacted.

You will need to approve which businesses you want to email. In order to approve an email to send, click on the red toggle button located on the left hand side of the the screen next to the business name or the "Approve" button located underneath the body of the email. The toggle button will then turn green meaning that is on the approved list. 


You can also select the "approve all" button on the bottom of the modal to switch all red "unapproved" buttons to green.

Once you have decided on the emails that you want to send, you're able to schedule the sending of all approved emails by clicking on the "Send all approved emails" located in the bottom right corner of the modal.

A few things to note: 

  • We schedule emails up to one month in advance.
  • Emails are scheduled exclusively on weekdays from 7AM to 7PM, according to your timezone.
  • There is a random 2 to 6- minute interval between each scheduled email.
  • We schedule as many emails as possible per day considering the rules above and your daily email limit.
  • No matter how you choose to approve messages, you are STILL able to select the email address that will receive the email, review/edit the email to be sent to that address, and make any modifications necessary by editing the body or subject line of the email. We highly recommend still doing this as you would in classic send.

Canceling Scheduled Emails

You can also cancel emails individually or in bulk. This ONLY works for emails that are scheduled for a future day through send all NOT for emails sending on the current day. 

Read more about how to cancel here.

Video Walkthrough