Sending Emails Option 2: Scheduling Emails

Schedule your Resquared emails up to a day, week, or month in advance

From the classic send screen, click on the button at the bottom/center of the email modal that says  "[Day of the week], Today". 

Then, choose a day and time to schedule this email to be sent. 


Once a day and time are selected, the "send email" button will change to "schedule email" and you will proceed as you would in classic send. 

A few things to note:

  • Email are all spaced out by a few minutes if you schedule several at the same "time."
  • Time increments are by 30 minutes. You can schedule 10 emails per 30 minutes and they will send out with ~3 minutes gaps. (This is randomized to a certain degree to help with spam prevention.)
  • We recommend users with higher email limits (100+) do not schedule all 100 emails for the same day. We highly recommend scheduling them at varying times of day to help with spam prevention.
  • We do still highly recommend changing up your template a bit for every 50 emails scheduled, just like we do with regular sent emails.

Canceling Scheduled Emails

You can also cancel emails individually or in bulk. This ONLY works for emails that are scheduled for a future day NOT for emails sending on the current day. 

Read more about how to cancel here.

Video Walkthrough