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  2. Best Practices + Templates

Avoiding the Spam Filter

Spam rules are changing all the time, so check here to see our most recent email recommendations to stay out of prospects' spam folders.

Change up your templates

We recommend to alter your email template about every 50 messages. You may have noticed a pop-up message while sending emails in which we remind you to do this:

Ways to mix up your templates:

  • Continue using personalization in your emails, such as the [business_name] merge tool
  • Switching up your greeting and your sign-off
  • Customizations related to the type of business you're contacting ("We're looking for a great local ICE CREAM SHOP," etc)
  • Use AI Snippets
  • Proofread your templates-- any incorrect spelling or grammar in emails, when sending in high volumes, can be flagged as spam very quickly.

How different do your email templates need to be when you change them?

In our estimation, we suggest changing about 50% of your subject line and about 30 words in the body of your email each time you switch. You can move sentences around and/or change the actual wording of the email.

Send fewer emails at first

  • If you haven't been using Resquared lately or are a new customer... 
    Even if you have a higher daily email limit, we STRONGLY recommend only sending 50/day at the absolute maximum to start (safer to start off with even less and build up to more).
    • If you're able to send 50 consistently (about 4 days in a row, 200 emails total), then you should be able to send 100+/day consistently without issue. If you're mindful about switching up your templates, then you can likely scale up more quickly. It's that jump from zero to 100 (literally) that spam detectors don't like!
  • If you're already sending a high number of emails per day... 
    Please do think about changing your templates fairly frequently!
  • If you are using a brand new email address... 
    We suggest starting with about 10 on the first day of sending, and increasing by 5 more each day until you reach 50.

Spread it out

Remember how Facebook only lets you send 10 messages to businesses per hour? It's looking like spreading out emails through the day is going to help email deliverability as well. Perhaps you can do half of your emails in the morning and half in the afternoon-- whatever is easiest for you!