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Adding AI Snippets To Personalize Your Emails

Personalize and customize your emails with the click of a button!

About AI Snippets

Tailored, customized communication ensures better engagement rates when prospecting for retail leasing opportunities. This is why we've launched our new AI snippets feature, in order to simplify and personalize your outreach quickly and effectively.
AI Snippets is a custom text option the user can include when creating their template. Within the template the place holder tag [ai_snippets] is used, this gets replaced with tailored content related to the business you are reaching out to. Look at the template and resulting email to see how our AI Snippets can easily transform your email template into pleasant customized outreach.

How Does AI Snippets Work?

When drafting an email template, insert the [ai_snippets] placeholder text, located above the message edit box, wherever you want the custom content to appear.
NOTE: The snippet merge field will populate based on the location of your cursor.
Once you select the "add AI Snippet button", you will see the merge field appear in the template and the snippet button will turn orange. 
PLEASE NOTE: You receive a certain number of AI Snippet Credits a month. You can view the number of credits you have by viewing the number in the bottom left hand corner that appears next to "AI Credits". You will see the number of contacts in your list as well as a number. This is telling you how many credits will be deducted from your credits. 1 business= 1 credit
Once you begin sending the emailing process, the placeholder text will be replaced with personalized content drafted by ChatGPT to suit the business and type of outreach you desire. You can view the merged text by viewing the email in the right hand corner of the email modal. 
If you do not like the text, you can select "regenerate AI Snippet". This will replace that snippet for that specific business- it will not regenerate the snippet for all businesses. You can regenerate once for each business with no deduction in credits, but after that you will receive 1 credit reduction for any regenerations after that. 

Why Should I Use This? 

The Resquared research team has found that personalized AI snippets can increase the response rate by 50%
Resquared uses industry leading AI models from OpenAI. Due to the high cost of these tools, Resquared clients have a monthly credit limit of 500 AI Snippets. However, if you want to increase this limit please reach out to your Customer Success representative to discuss increasing this limit to meet your needs.

Benefits of Using AI Snippets:
  1. Personalization at Scale: Tailor your emails to each prospect without the time-consuming process of manual customization:
  2. Increased Engagement: Personalized emails generally see higher open and response rates.
  3. Efficiency: Speed up the email drafting process while maintaining the feeling of a one-on-one conversation.
Best Practices for Using AI Snippets:
  1. Blend with your own text: While AI snippets provides personalization, adding your personal touch or additional context can further enhance the email's effectiveness.
  2. Always Review: Before sending, always review the generated content to ensure it's appropriate and relevant
  3. Use Sparingly: Avoid overloading your email with too many AI snippets. Strive for a balance between personalized and generic content.

Video Walkthrough