Activity Reports

View account analytics based on your outreach.

Accessing and Filtering the Report

Select ‘Activity Reports’ in the upper right-hand corner of Resquared. It is the pie chart icon.

Once in the Activity Reports dashboard you will be viewing data for all contact methods from all lists and all locations for the current month.

    • To adjust the timeframe: click on the dates in the upper right hand corner
    • To adjust the list and/or location: click on the "select location" or "select list" drop down menus underneath the date range.
    • To adjust the type of contact method: click on the "all methods" drop down

About the Report

The activity report is divided into three sections: Businesses Contacted, Email Campaigns, and Activity Feed.

  • Businesses Contacted: displays the number of businesses contacted each day for the current month via a line graph on the left.
    • On the right side, there is a pie chart that shows the types of businesses you have contacted. It gives a percentage for the major sections, and when hovering over a section, it shows the type of business and the number of emails sent to that business.

  • Email Campaigns: provides you with overall email statistics. It states the number of emails sent, the number of emails opened, and the open rate (opened/sent)

  • Activity Feed: is organized by date and marked by an orange bullet. It states the types of businesses and the number of businesses contacted on that specific day (e.g., “Contacted with 24 business, in Fitness.”)

By modifying the location, list, and account, you can customize the content displayed in each of these sections.

    • You can select which of your locations you would like to analyze by clicking the “Select Location” drop down. You will then be presented with a list of locations available to you. After selecting a location it will adjust the sections to match the businesses you have contacted within that location's radius. 
    • You can select one of your lists by clicking the “Select List” drop down, this will adjust the activity report to match businesses within that list.

Can I export that data? YES!!!

You can export the information that Activity Reports provides you in two formats CSV or an image:

  • CSV
    • To export your data into an Excel spreadsheet, go to the left of the screen and select ‘Export as .csv.’

    • This should automatically download a report, dependent upon the filters you have chosen, and will include business names, contact information, and notes you have entered in Resquared. This is especially beneficial if you need to show your outreach progress to any owners, other team members, etc.
      • When you export as a CSV it will provide you with a spreadsheet of your analytics.  
      • The first section will provide you with the number of businesses contacted, the number of lists you have created, the average RE2 score of contacted businesses, the number of businesses you have exported, and your open rate. 

      • The second section of the spreadsheet will show you the categories of businesses you have contacted (Gym, Coffee, etc.) and a breakdown of what percentage of businesses you have contacted that category covers. 
      • The third section shows you the businesses in which you have contacted. Providing you with their name, RE2 score, address, whether you have contacted them, lead status, category, phone number, email address, Yelp star score, number of Yelp Reviews, and the notes you have created for that business. 

  • Image:
    • To export your data into an image, go to the left of the screen and select ‘Export as .png.’

    • The image export provides you with the same charts seen on the Business Contacted section of the page. 

If you have a manager account: 

You have a few more features in the activity report.  Click here to learn more. 

Video Walkthrough