Sorting Your Search

At times, you may have thousands of businesses that all meet your essential criteria. Instead of arbitrarily narrowing down this list further, a great way to prioritize who you start contacting is to sort these businesses.


You can only sort by one option at a time. To sort by the designated option, click on the term on the bar located below the search bar, but above the names of the businesses.

Distance: Select this to sort businesses based on their distance from the location you selected. This is the default sort option and shows businesses from closest to farthest from your location. Select this option twice to flip it and sort from farthest to closest. 

Name: Select this to sort alphabetically from A to Z. Select this option twice to flip it and sort from Z to A. 

RE2 Score: Re2 score is a proprietary score based on the business’s popularity and reviews. A higher Re2 score generally means a more favorable business. Select this option to see the highest scoring businesses at the top of the list. 

Categories: Select this to group business together based on category. They will then be in order alphabetically based on category. 

Locations: Select this to sort by the number of locations a business has.