Additional Search Filters

This is a guide to understanding all filter options to get a really targeted list of prospects.

You probably signed up for Resquared to get access to more data, now you have a new problem: too much data. The filters provide an easy way to narrow down the list of businesses you'll reach out to. Most of the time, our clients are using Resquared to specifically target local businesses. If you notice that you are getting 0 results, your filters may be too narrow. 

Business Info

To select a filter, click on the bubble to turn it yellow. Once it is yellow, it is active. 

Please note these are not either/or filters. Meaning the search is based on EACH selection you make. So if you select ‘has email’, ‘Facebook’, and ‘Instagram’ it is going to show you businesses where all 3 of those selections apply. 

Non-Chain: filters out national chains

Has Email: filter for businesses that have an email address 

Has Facebook Messenger: filters for businesses that have a Facebook account

Has Instagram Messenger: filters for businesses that have a Instagram account

Notes Saved: filters for businesses that you have notes saved for

Number of Yelp Reviews

You can enter a minimum and maximum number of Yelp reviews by entering those numbers in the boxes and clicking “apply”. If you only want to search a minimum or a maximum, you can leave the other box empty. For example, if you want to filter for businesses that have at least 5 Yelp reviews, enter 5 in the minimum box and leave the maximum box blank. 

Contacted and Scheduled

You can filter businesses based on who you have or have not contacted previously in Resquared and/or emails that you have or have not scheduled. Note- if you flip to “yes” it will show you businesses that you HAVE contacted or that you HAVE emails scheduled for while clicking no will show you the opposite. If you do not want to use this filter, leave the button as is. 


You can filter businesses based on who you have or have not marked as a lead previously in. Note- The check mark means “yes- I want to see the ones I have marked as lead” and the x means the opposite. If you do not want to use this filter, leave the button as is. 

Advanced Filters

Has website vs No Website: filter for businesses that do or do not have an website address

Has Staff Info: filter for businesses that do or do not have staff information 

Locations 1, 2-10, 10+ : filter for businesses that have a specific amount of locations